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10 Holiday Struggles Every Cook Knows To Be True

The weather outside is frightful / but the fire is... too high! Burned the food again. Gathering around the table is so much easier when you let IHOP take care of the cooking.

1. Twice as many people showed up than you prepared food for!

2. You ran out of appetizers, and guests are starving!

3. The local teenager sidles up to a plate... or three.

4. You're carrying too many plates out to the table!

5. You left the oven on too high!

6. That one aunt just does not appreciate the effort you put into cooking this meal.

7. Your sibling steals seconds from your plate, for goodness' sake!

8. Your pets are all begging for table scraps! Rude.

9. And over at the kids' table, no one will be eating anything until you bring out the dessert!

10. But that new, gorgeous cake recipe you found on Pinterest led you so, so wrong.

So gather around the table at IHOP for another perfect holiday meal.