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11 Ways You Know You're Living A Double Life

WHERE'S RACHEL?! Tune in to the BuzzFeed Block for Batman Begins this Saturday on IFC at 8/7c and again at 11/10c.

1. All your friends are fed up because you're always too busy to hang out.

2. Everyone thinks you're a natural blonde.

3. Your parents still think you're an angel.

4. You go through elaborate means to keep up your lies.

5. You're known to mysteriously fall out of contact with your friends and family for weeks at a time.

6. You're definitely not emotionally available.

7. An Irish goodbye is like second nature to you.

8. You have a hidden cave where you keep all your secrets.

9. You forget what your own name is sometimes.

10. You ONLY use burner phones.

11. And you REFUSE to ever come clean.