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23 Animal GIFs That Should Be World Famous

These guys are ready for stardom! But their internet celebrity could slow you down if you're sharing the same cloud. That’s why the IBM Cloud gives you the flexibility to have public, private, or hybrid clouds, depending on your business needs.

1. This baby bunny with lightning-quick reflexes!

2. This bear cub getting a belly rub:

3. This chimpanzee taking some "me time":

4. This baby elephant who's hoping nobody saw that:

5. This panda who— "Hey! DON'T TOUCH MY BALL!"

6. This kid goat who is clearly at war with himself:

7. This little guy who's got a batting average of .350!

8. Bickering penguins! It's bickering penguins!

9. This bird giving you major attitude:

10. This baby goat who's bringing home the bacon!

11. This glorious weirdo:

12. This arctic fox who's not quite sure how he feels about you:

13. These bats who look like dainty little ladies holding up their skirts:

14. The Narcoleptic Duckling (coming to a theater near you!):

15. This kitten, who's in the clouds:

16. This tiniest snake in the whole wide world:

17. This kid goat who has perfected the sideways hop:

18. Puppies in the snow! PUPPIES IN THE SNOW!

19. Two words: Goat. Ninja.

20. This very satisfied hedgehog:

21. This overachieving baby bunny:

22. This cat getting suffocated with love:

23. "Flabalabalabalubaluabalflefblelelfe..."

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Who's sharing your cloud? The IBM Cloud gives you the flexibility to have public, private, or hybrid clouds, depending on your business needs. Today, there’s a new way to work, and it’s made with IBM Cloud.