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9 Mind-Blowing Battles That Need To Happen RIGHT NOW.

The key to victory is putting together the perfect team. But what happens when a perfect team fights... another perfect team? Like the Highlanders say, "there can be only one." Check out these mega-battles and then go to to put together your kick-ass team... Hyundai style.

1. G.I. Joe vs. Team America World Police

PICK: Team America

G.I. Joe has one weakness: They don't like to kill anyone. Team America has no such compunctions.

2. Care Bears vs. My Little Pony

PICK: Care Bears

The ponies have the magic of friendship on their side, but the bears can "stare" deadly lasers out of their bellies. Terrifying!

3. Destiny's Child vs. TLC


Not even close. Not only will Lisa Lopes burn down a house without blinking a left eye, but remember the "Waterfalls" video? All three ladies can cloak like the Predator.

4. Voltron vs. Megazord


We'll say it: They're kind of the same guy.

5. Transformers vs. Go Bots

PICK: Transformers


6. The Illuminati vs. Men In Black


Neither of these groups exist. Shhhhh.

7. Jem and the Holograms vs. Josie and the Pussycats

PICK: Jem and the Holograms

Bonus points to the Pussycats for Valerie, the first African American character in Saturday morning cartoon history. But it's not gonna be enough because Jem is truly outrageous. Truly, truly, TRULY outrageous.

8. Jeannie vs. Samantha

PICK: Samantha

Jeannie had just as powerful of magic as Samantha, but she mostly used it to put Major Nelson in bizarre outfits at work.

That isn't going to help much in a fight.

9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. Wu Tang Clan

PICK: Wu Tang Clan

EPIC battle: Ninjitsu vs. Shaolin! Splinter vs. Rza! The sewers vs. Staten Island! Ultimately, though, expect the Wu Tang Killa Bees to swarm, as Leonardo and pals signed their own death warrant when they teamed up with Vanilla Ice. Tiger style!