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10 Really Unbelievable Cases Of Mistaken Identity

Aren't people just hilarious sometimes? These might be funny, but mistaken identity is no joke! See for yourself in The Wrong Mans on Hulu!

1. Sir Ian McKellen was once mistaken for a tramp.

2. NC governor parody Twitter account was mistakenly featured on MSNBC.

Via Twitter: @GovBevPerdue

MSNBC accidentally featured the infamous parody account of former North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue in its ticker last year, much to the delight of the prankster behind @GovBevPerdue.

3. People mistakenly started buying shares of Tweeter when Twitter announced that they were going public.

4. A Chinese zoo tried to pass off this Tibetan mastiff as an "African lion."

5. Joshua Bell, a world-famous violinist, set up in the DC Metro to see if anyone would notice.

6. Michael Cera is fed up with being mistaken for Jesse Eisenberg.

I mean, they do look pretty similar, but come on people. "I was in a convenience store one time buying something, and the guy just ahead of me was paying for something and he looked at me and he goes, ‘Jesse Eisenberg?’ I went, ‘No.’ Then he goes, ‘Michael Cera?’ I was pretty impressed he got it on the second try.” Read more on Michael Cera's frustration here.

7. The kid on Drake's latest album cover is being confused for Blue Ivy Carter.

Via Twitter: @GottaFollowHim

On Drake's latest album Nothing Was the Same, there is an image of a child whom Drake claims is a younger version of himself. However, Twitter has concluded that it's actually a depiction of Blue Ivy Carter, the recently born child of Jay-Z and Beyoncé.

8. A fake Ryan Gosling fooled a lot of people in Detroit.

Mojo In The Morning / Via

A Ryan Gosling lookalike went around Detroit earlier this summer with the Mojo in the Morning radio show to see how many people they could fool. The results were pretty hilarious.

9. A film shoot got mistaken for a coffee shop armed robbery.

10. Boston Celtics legend Bill Russell was mistaken for Morgan Freeman at Obama's inauguration.