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17 Ways To Celebrate The Comeback Of Hostess

We are so excited and we REALLY can't hide it. It doesn't matter how you celebrate the comeback of Hostess, just as long as you do!

1. Run down the streets telling everyone the news.

2. Cruise around town in some sweet Hostess rides.

Compact options also available.

3. Take your celebration to the high seas.

4. Get adventurous with your snacks. Try grilling a Twinkie.

5. Bring your dessert to the next level like a boss.

6. Or go all the way and deep fry them.

7. Add a little "twist" to your wardrobe.

8. Get the little ones involved.

9. Even your furry friends are pretty pumped about the news.

10. Treat yourself and get the best manicure of your life.

11. Don't forget to properly accessorize.

12. Especially with some Twinkie swag.

13. Invite your friends over for a celebratory feast.

14. Turn the cakes...into a cake!

15. Share the wealth.

16. Do your "Hostess Is Back?!" celebratory dance.

17. But the best way to celebrate is to just eat and enjoy.

It's sweet to be back.