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13 Ways To Improve Your Wedding Dance Game

The Electric Slide is for amateurs. You can upgrade your line dance with these advanced party moves! Brought to you by Honey Nut Cheerios.

1. Stake out a prime spot on the dance floor.

2. Learn how to Dougie. Teach everyone else.

3. When "riding the pony," dance a liiiitle slower than everyone else.

4. When everyone else sits down, stay on the dance floor.

5. If you're going to "Cotton Eyed Joe," give it 110%.

6. When "Cupid Shuffle" tells you to go right, go left.

7. If you happen to have a full dance routine memorized, bust it out!

8. Or learn one impressive move and use it liberally.

9. If you've got five friends, you've got a dance crew.

10. Make up for lack of skill with abundance of enthusiasm.

11. Add more hip action.

12. Add more arm action.

13. If you're having fun, you'll look good.

You're ready to raise the roof!