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17 Stages Of Throwing A Dinner Party

Don't worry, panicking is normal. Shop at HomeGoods so you have one less thing to worry about.

1. Going to the grocery store and getting a little too overzealous.

2. Cleaning like a maniac.

3. Chopping one million onions.

4. Realizing you can't find the napkin holders.

5. Cooking while trying not to ruin your outfit.

6. Cheering when you find your table decorations.

Somehow you managed to find something affordable and chic. AN EXTRAORDINARY FEAT!

7. Setting the table like a champion.

Patting self on back for extraordinary table artistry skills.

8. Trying to light all the candles without burning your hands off.

Of course you thought you could light them all with one match.

9. Opening the door to see your friend did not bring dessert like she promised.

10. Hiding from your guests for five minutes to gain back your sanity.

11. Figuring out where to strategically place your weird friend.

12. Realizing the meat is overcooked and dry.

13. Discovering one of the guests is now vegan and isn't too jazzed about the pot roast.

14. Someone says something nice about the centerpiece that you spent WAY too long working on.

You do victory dances in your head for the rest of the meal.

15. Food coma slowly washes over you.

16. The polite "no, no, you don't need to do dishes" back-and-forth.

17. Relief! Take a bow.

Till next time!