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11 Reasons Houdini Was Basically A World-Class Athlete

Skills on skills. Tune in to HOUDINI to learn about the master of illusions: Two-night event begins Sept. 1 at 9/8c, only on HISTORY!

1. Houdini could hold his breath for over three minutes.

2. He was ambidextrous — which means he was equally able with both his left and right hand!

3. Houdini would be buried six feet underground, just to dig his way out like it was nothing. Just a walk in the park.

4. And one time, when the stunt went south, Houdini dug himself out after choking on the dirt he was buried in.

5. Not only would Houdini regularly escape from straightjackets, he frequently did it suspended upside down by his ankles.

6. Did we mention that when he was suspended upside down, it was often from construction cranes several stories high?

7. Houdini survived in an airtight underwater box for 90 minutes, even though it is estimated the box contained between 5 and 15 minutes of air.

8. Houdini claimed to be able to withstand any blow to the stomach by clenching his abdominal muscles.

9. At age 11, Houdini worked at a local locksmith, and there wasn’t a single lock he couldn’t pick.

10. And at age nine, he was performing a trick that involved picking up pins with his eyelashes.

11. Houdini would often ask to be put in high-security prisons and handcuffed, only to stroll out minutes later.