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    12 Things You Might Ask Yourself About Australia Fashion Week

    Australia's Fashion Week is going on right now — and the pictures have me asking a lot of questions, including: is that Lindsay Lohan dressed as a nun?

    1. How does this model manage to walk?

    2. Is this Lindsay Lohan dressed as a nun?

    3. Who thought up the idea of melting toy soldiers and putting them on a woman's head?

    4. Who makes toy soldiers in purple?

    5. Are these accessories some form of Medieval torture?

    6. Is this "hat" porcelain or plastic?

    7. How much does this headgear weigh?

    8. Is this hat a lampshade composite?

    9. Where this chick's pants at?

    10. Why?

    11. What forest did this stuff come from?

    12. How could these models see?

    13. What is this guy looking at?

    14. What does this little pup think of it all?