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The Definitive Ranking Of Airport Snacks

The snacks you choose for the flight are going to be an integral part of your experience. #StaySmart and make some informed choices: Your choices will be the difference between a chill sky-vacation and a nightmarish confinement in a hunger tube.

22. Soda

21. Oatmeal

20. Peanuts

19. Corn Nuts

18. Hummus

17. Fries

16. Chips

15. Mini Chocolates (Regular)

14. Sad Wrapped Sandwich

13. Fruit

12. Energy Drink

11. Protein Bar

10. Fritos

9. Trail Mix

8. Gum (Domestic)

7. Sports Drink

6. Gummy Worms

5. Gum (Foreign)

4. Mini Chocolates (Fancy)

3. Pretzels

2. Cinnamon Buns

1. Salad