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15 Photos That Prove Goats Are Underrated, Majestic Beings

Bow down to Their Majesties.

1. Regard! Set your eyes on this glorious creature!

2. This horned beast, whose penetrative gaze SHOULD have captivated our hearts for centuries...

3. ...has so often been overlooked in the face of fluffier, more easily huggable creatures.

4. But is there a beast more huggable than a goat? Nay!

5. Observe this silly goat, who pleads gently for your love and affection.

6. Run quickly to this goat, who is searching tirelessly for a hug atop a mountain.

7. Do not deny this goat his snuggles, or he shall seek them elsewhere!

8. And admire this goat, whose lovely beard drifts gently in the wind.

9. What is a goat, besides a less graceful unicorn with an extra horn?

10. Would you hesitate to hug a unicorn?

11. Then tarry not! Shame on you for hesitating to hug a goat!

12. Lo, those fuzzy ears! Those fuzzy wuzzy ears!

13. And that silly nose! That silly little nose!

14. One day, goats shall be the creatures of legends. The creatures that were so cute that they brought humanity to its knees.

15. So give a goat a hug, and in return you will receive a grateful goat smile.