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Spreading Holiday Cheer: Expectation Vs. Reality

‘Tis the season!

1. Expectation: Gifts will be wrapped early this year.

Reality: Ain't nobody got time for that!

2. Expectation: Even your pets will participate!

Reality: They might, but they'll hate it. And you.

3. Expectation: A cosy fire will be going at all times.

Reality: You forget to open the flue, and your house fills with smoke.

4. Expectation: You'll go carolling with friends.

Reality: Doors slam in your face.

5. Expectation: You'll bake cookies for neighbours.

Reality: You forget to set the timer.

6. Expectation: You’ll shovel strangers' driveways just because.

Reality: It's just gonna snow again tomorrow.

7. Expectation: SO MUCH quality time together.

Reality: Everyone's on their phone.

8. Expectation: You'll go all out with the decorations.

Reality: It takes hours to untangle everything, half the lights don't work, and you electrocute yourself.

9. Expectation: Your holidays will be joyful no matter what, because the holiday spirit is infectious.

Reality: This one is absolutely true.

One simple way you can share joy this holiday season is by giving the gift of Starbucks.