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12 Reasons New York Does December Better Than Any Other State

The snow! The air! Spread the magic of New York with the gift of New York Lottery Holiday Instant Scratch-off games.

1. The ice-skating rink in Rockefeller Plaza = iconic.

2. Is this Niagara Falls? I thought it was nature's disco.

3. Ice flows? More like water miracles frozen in time.

4. Only a state as gorgeous as New York could make geese look majestic.

5. New York literally has an annual spectacular.

6. This is a piece of modern art representing the daily struggle of humanity. The artist? NATURE.

7. Yes, it's so beautiful you want to weep. But this isn't even the prettiest street in NYC.

8. Central Park is a magical oasis, and we heard that if you drink from that river, it cures all ailments.

9. Art. This is art.

10. Oh? Your state has ornaments? That's cute. Ours are 20 feet high.

11. This color? All natural and all awesome.

12. New York — nailing winter since always.