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23 "SNL" GIFs That Will Perfectly Describe Your Valentine's Day

If you've experienced it, there's probably an SNL GIF for it.

1. When you don't have a Valentine, and you don't even care.

2. When you don't have a Valentine, and you do even care.

3. When you have two crushes, and you can't decide which one you want to be your Valentine.

4. When your crush wishes you a Happy Valentine's Day.

5. When you finally ask your crush out on a Valentine's date...

6. ...and they say yes!

7. When you realize that you actually have to go on a Valentine's date now.

8. When you buy a new outfit for your Valentine's date.

9. When you're all dressed up and ready for the big night...

10. ...then you realize that you hate your outfit and need to change immediately.

11. When you try to impress your date by getting a reservation at a fancy restaurant.

12. Later, when you get the bill for that fancy dinner.

13. When you try to flirt with your date during the meal.

14. When you try to break an awkward silence with small talk.

15. Halfway through the night, when you finally start to relax.

16. When you try to impress your date on the dance floor.

17. When someone in the restaurant bathroom asks you how your date is going.

18. Right before you share a romantic kiss with your Valentine.

19. Right after that romantic kiss.

20. When your date invites you back to their place.

21. When your Valentine's date was a bust.

22. When your Valentine's date was totally awesome!

23. The next day, when you get to brag to all your friends about having the best Valentine's Day ever.

All images provided courtesy of Saturday Night Live/NBC Television.

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