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10 Deviled Eggs That Put Other Deviled Eggs To Shame

Here are some great ways to take your deviled eggs to the next level. Zest them up with MIRACLE WHIP Dressing, and you just might blow the roof off!

1. To get tickled pink, pickle your deviled eggs in beet juice.

2. Want to add some green to your spring? Add some avocado.

3. Why make a separate crab salad when you can make it in an egg?

4. Feeling adventurous? Add a little kimchee to the mix.

5. Bacon and eggs are a match made in heaven!

6. A momentous occasion deserves some pimento cheese deviled eggs.

7. Feeling lazy? These smoky red deviled eggs are super easy!

8. Fried oyster eggs will fill you with pride.

9. Feel like having fish?

10. For a classy affair, top your eggs with caviar.

Make these recipes even better with MIRACLE WHIP Dressing.