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10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Famous Songs

Regardless of whether you're a writer for Pitchfork or a casual listener of smooth jazz, prepare to have your mind blown. (And if you do already know all these facts, then maybe it's time to take up a new hobby. Jeez.) - Brought to you by the Kia Soul

1. "Cotton Eye Joe"

2. "Inner Groove"

3. "Sweet Caroline"

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Neil Diamond was so in awe of Caroline Kennedy that he wrote a song about her—"Sweet Caroline"—and he did it in less than one hour.

4. "New York, New York"

5. "TiK-ToK"

6. "Like a Virgin"

7. "What a Wonderful World"

8. "Good Morning, Good Morning"

9. "Blue Monday"

10. "How to Disappear Completely"