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12 Stunning Images Of What Happens When Fine Art And Architecture Collide

Philip Johnson's Glass House is 49 acres of masterpiece. We stopped by for a tour and left feeling inspired. Be sure to check back for more unique stops from our MINI NOT NORMAL Road Trip.

1. Philip Johnson referred to The Glass House property as his "50-year diary."

2. It was a weekend home.

3. Johnson's favorite medium was New England's abundant and diverse landscapes and flora.

4. Trees were pruned to exaggerate their height.

5. Natural light and shadows add creative dimension to otherwise flat spaces.

6. Johnson had a set floor plan for the furniture within the house.

7. The Pavilion's size really messes with your brain.

8. Johnson's original landscaper continues to work on the property today.

9. The Glass House's bedroom faces north.

10. Johnson also built The Brick House for his guests.

11. The Greek Islands inspired Johnson's Sculpture Gallery design.

12. Johnson's final structure, Da Monsta, is a building without right angles.

All photos by Joseph Lin / BuzzFeed


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