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16 Struggles That Are All Too Real For Movie Buffs

The struggle is reel. Make sure your PC can handle the lights, camera, and action.

1. First of all, you can't just "play a movie in the background." You're physically compelled to watch it.

2. You're the only one in your friend group who winces when the aspect ratio is completely wrong...

3. ...and understands the difference between a film print and a digital projection.

4. When a new video format rolls around, you're the one who suffers the most.

5. It's particularly painful when a masterpiece of cinema comes with atrocious cover art and menus.

6. There's nothing worse than when somebody flips on the lights at the most dramatic part of the story...

7. ...except maybe when someone uses their phone in a darkened theater. AT FULL BRIGHTNESS.

8. Three words: obnoxious popcorn chewing.

9. Nobody wants to go with you to classic film screenings because they're in black and white...

10. ...or foreign films because then they "have to read." So you're all like:

11. There's the risk of becoming invested in a franchise, only to have a new installment retcon your favorite sequels.

12. Your Blu-rays and DVDs MUST be organized in some way — usually by director, year, or genre.

13. When your friends ask what you're listening to, it's a struggle to name something that's not a soundtrack.

14. Deciding what to watch on your DVR is a daily dilemma.

15. Intelligent discussion about a film is pretty much impossible on the internet.

Compelling argument found in @imcorinnemec's IMDb message board.

Seriously, try it sometime.

16. Finally, there's the never-ending process of building the home theater of your dreams.

Now you can screen your collection wirelessly in glorious 4K resolution, thanks to the all-new 6th Generation Intel® Core™ processor.