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15 Signs You're Completely Useless Without Technology

When phones fail, the world is an unfamiliar place. Use the Canon PIXMA before you're forced into a digital detox.

1. This is the face you're most happy to see:

2. If your phone died right now, you'd know only a couple phone numbers from memory...

3. ...and your sense of direction would go out the window.

4. Without search engines at your fingertips, you wouldn't have the patience to settle petty arguments.

5. You've completely forgotten how to mail something IRL.

6. Let's face it: The only cursive you remember from third grade are the letters in your signature...

7. ...and you've long since given up on spelling anything right the first time.

8. When someone leaves your table at a restaurant, you instantly bury yourself in your phone to avoid an unbearable minute of sitting alone in public...

9. You're literally (and figuratively) powerless when the speech you're reading on your tablet freezes.

10. ...and you never feel more naked than when you forget it at home.

11. You've left the bathroom only to return with your phone because it isn't worth it otherwise.

12. Whenever you move to a new place without internet, this is the most heartbreaking thing you can see...

13. ...because you literally have no idea what to do with yourself without Wi-Fi.

14. You've had nightmares of your phone dying right when you were going to show your mobile boarding pass at the airport gate.

15. Finally, you've forgotten what it's like to share a photo album with someone without nervously checking over their shoulder.

Sooner or later, you're gonna wish you had a hard copy instead. For all the times you can't trust your phone, there's the Canon PIXMA printer.