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13 Tips To Nailing Your Wedding Hashtag

Once you've got the hashtag, the rest is a cakewalk. ;) And as you start your new life, see how you could save 15% or more on car insurance with GEICO.

1. Make a list.

2. Play around with inside jokes you have together.

3. Try using puns.

4. Brainstorm words that rhyme with each of your names.

5. Alliteration will help people remember it.

6. Consider having two separate hashtags.

7. Turn your hashtag into a phrase.

8. Don't forget first and last names.

9. Check social media to make sure it doesn't already exist.

10. Sometimes simpler is best.

11. Make sure your guests know what your hashtag is.

Make sure guests at your wedding can easily see what your hashtag is at any moment, so no pictures will be lost!

12. Find new ways to display it.

13. Pick a hashtag you can keep using after the wedding day.

The perfect wedding hashtag never gets old.

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