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22 Places You Shouldn't Selfie

Have we gone too far? Yes, definitely. Much Love - Virgin Mobile

1. Really, though?

2. You must be high

3. Behind that smile is pure evil

4. It's cool guys, I sterilized it

5. There's got to be some kind of law against this

6. There's definitely a law against this

7. Yup. Knew it. Illegal.

8. Criminey, it's a Crimea selfie

9. Mommy, no! My innocence!

10. Don't put it out yet, the lighting is perfect

11. Nailed it

12. Applaud her? Or taser?

13. Hey, guess what day it is?

14. Define safe

15. This is some bull

16. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200

17. This will knock him down a letter grade

18. A solid start to a promising cover up

19. Let's not jump the gun on the brain damage

20. Can't wait for the karma selfie

21. Guilty until proven guilty

22. Before you selfie, ask yourself what would Kim do?

#Obviously - Virgin Mobile