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10 Signs You Were Born To Be The Banker In MONOPOLY

While some people are forced to be, some are born to be the banker. And also won't play unless they are.

1. You keep all of the bills in your wallet facing the same direction and from lowest to highest denomination.

2. You look up to Scrooge McDuck and on one or more occasions have been known to bathe yourself in money.

3. The first time your friends heard the term “the invisible hand” wasn’t in economics class.

4. Opening up a bank account for the first time was a confusing experience.

5. Your admiration for MR. MONOPOLY and his capitalistic ways is more than just a game to you.

6. You actually make people pay their taxes, including the 10% mortgage rate.

7. Your parents let you do the negotiating at garage sales.

8. You've been in fights with multiple friends about how ridiculous it is that dollars are all the same color.

"How do you even TELL where your $500 bills are?!"

9. You always calculate the check at a group dinner.

10. And of course, you might've been known to occasionally take just a little off the top. ;)

You've tried your hand at Atlantic City, and now you can try owning all of the U.S.