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13 Things Parents Who Work From Home Understand

It's time to pull double duty. Have a home office? We know what it's like.

1. You will get the most done when the baby is asleep or the bigger kids are at school!

2. When summer rolls around, things tend to get a little... scary.

3. Having your own home office that’s off-limits to the kiddos is super important.

4. There will come a time when you'll have to apologize for a baby crying in the background during a conference call...

And people might get mad, but they can just go ahead and deal with it.

5. ...and then you'll realize the mute button is your new best friend.

6. Your professional wardrobe no longer matters.

7. You know that the key to finding the perfect balance is figuring out a routine and sticking to it...

8. ...especially when it comes to hard stops.

9. The word “multitasking” takes on a whole new meaning.

10. Even though you’re home with the kids, a helping hand is always welcome.

11. Because there’s a lot of pressure to be good at both jobs.

12. But the greatest payoff is not having to wonder how your child is doing while you’re at the office.

You get to appreciate those little moments other parents might not.

13. And you’ll never have to feel stressed about rushing home to get to your daughter's dance recital — because you're already there.

If you're a parent who works from home, let GoToMeeting help!