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16 Scenic GIFs That Capture The Beauty Of The Northeast

The seasons pop in the Northeast, and so does the scenery. Here are 16 GIFs that capture the region's eye candy. With Auto Awesome on Google+, you can upload a series of similar photos and they’ll automatically be turned into an animated GIF for you! Scroll to the bottom to find out how to make your own.

1. Fall is an explosion of orange and yellow...

2. ...and a short period between extreme heat and cold where you do as much as you can outdoors.

3. The coastline at the farthest tip of New England is rugged...

4. ...and this is the ideal way to explore it.

5. The coastal serenity is occasionally disrupted by angry Nor'easters.

6. Deeper inland, you find serene forests...

7. ...glassy ponds...

8. ...and hills spotted with farms.

9. Trains are the preferred mode of transportation.

10. They carry you from the country and drop you in the heart of the cities.

11. The cities don't sleep, but they do slow down a little at night.

12. They have their own urban wildlife...

13. ...and contain artifacts from the earliest days of American history.

14. The winters in the Northeast are brutal, but beautiful...

15. ...especially when enjoyed from the confines of a warm living room.

16. And no matter how cold the winters get, your daydreams about the next summer day at the shore keep you going.

Experience GIFs from three other parts of America (West, Midwest, and South) and challenge yourself to create your own amazing animations with Google+ Auto Awesome.

To try the Auto Awesome feature simply download the Google+ app, turn on Auto Backup, and take a series of 5+ photographs of the same subject to create an animated GIF!