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18 Hacks You Didn’t Realise You Could Do With Google

Take your googling to the next level.

1. Go underwater.

Thinking of ideas for your next vacation? Then you might find Underwater Street View coming in very handy.

Through Google Maps, you can now take 40 different virtual dives around the world, spanning 22 countries and the five major coral reef regions. From American Samoa, to the Solomon Islands, and even the famous Loch Ness, you might even be able to spot a dolphin or too if you search hard enough.

2. Keep track of flight times.

3. Use your camera to translate real-world text.

4. Search for GIFs.

5. Play Pacman on Google Logo.

6. Find out the weather forecast.

7. Convert units.

8. You can convert currency too.

9. Find out the time of the sunrise and sunset.

10. Save your sanity when your phone goes for a walkabout.

11. Beat the traffic, rather than become the traffic.

12. Get instant information on movie listings, concert dates, and restaurant menus.

13. "Undo" sent emails.

14. Explore Mars (and chat with the locals too).

15. Access public data.

16. Go off the grid.

17. Get up to speed on what the world's talking about.

18. Take the hassle out of web safety.