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24 People At Bonnaroo That Will Restore Your Faith In Positivity

At Bonnaroo®, it's all about spreading love, and one of the biggest rules is to leave your cares behind and radiate positivity. GNC wants to make sure you live life to the fullest and is giving away a pair of tickets for next year. You can enter to win here!

At Bonnaroo, there is a code that everyone lives by, and one of the biggest rules is to leave your cares behind and radiate positivity.

1. Community is HUGE on The Farm. At Bonnaroo, everyone is family.

2. It's about meeting new friends to horse around with.

3. At Bonnaroo, you live in the moment, and you love every single second of it.

4. It's about creating lifelong memories with those who you care about the most.

5. Or celebrating who you are to the fullest and loving everything about yourself.

6. It's all about connection and community (and all the high fives).

7. Be ready to leave your cares at the gate and don a permanent mile-wide smile.

8. It's about being a light in the darkness, glowing and radiating with life and love.

9. Teamwork is vital to the Bonnaroo experience. We take care of each other on The Farm.

10. It's about marking things off your bucket list and making a change for the greater good.

11. It's about thinking outside of the box and doing something different.

12. Or cheering people on when they need a little encouragement.

13. It's an opportunity to brighten someone's day and make an impact on people for the better.

14. Hey, even the performers need a little chuckle while they're on stage.

15. It's about remembering to relax, unwind, and not take things too seriously.

16. You meet total strangers and create an instant, lasting bond with them.

17. Bonnaroo is about being a splash of color in a world of gray.

18. On The Farm, you put others before yourself and figure out how you can help those around you.

19. It's about respecting nature and figuring out ways to be resourceful.

20. Fighting is strictly forbidden. But loving, laughing, and dancing are strictly encouraged.

21. It's about releasing your inhibitions and letting all your cares float away.

22. At Bonnaroo, we look out for one another and help each other to make the world a better place for all.

23. But most of all, Bonnaroo is about finding peace, love, and unity through great music and art.

24. So to all those who radiated positivity at Bonnaroo, stay weird, stay beautiful, and stay true to the Bonnaroovian code.

GNC wants to give you a chance to join all the beautiful creatures of Bonnaroo next year. For a chance to win, you can enter here!