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The 11 Best Smells Of Christmas

Ho! Ho! Ho! One smell and you're experiencing the joy and #bestfeeings of the season.

1. A fresh pine tree right before you put it on the car.

2. The smell and first sip of rich, creamy eggnog.

3. Chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven for Santa.

4. A cozy fire crackling in the fireplace.

5. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.

6. Dusty ornaments pulled down from the attic.

7. Snuggling up with a cinnamon-spiced mulled wine.

8. Freshly frosted gingerbread cookies.

9. Scotch tape as you carefully wrap each gift.

10. Honey-glazed ham bubbling in the oven all afternoon.

11. Crisp, cold, winter air on Christmas morning.