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Proof Moustaches Are The Sexiest Accessory

It's no argument that moustaches are sexy. They're like pants for your nose. Sexy pants! And if you take off your pants... you need to go home.

It's a historical fact that the world's most powerful (and sexiest) men have all sported moustaches.

Moustaches are the bow ties of the face! A sure sign of success.

They're what separate the men from the boys.

Seriously... take the moustache away from the sexy man on the right, and he might as well be wearing a diaper.

What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.

It's simple math.

Most importantly, ladies LOVE moustaches.

Because a moustache says: It's possible that I own a motorcycle.

Or: I speak a foreign language you've probably never heard of.

Or: I can bathe with a cowboy hat and mangos in sepia tones and still pass as sexy. ;)

But the absolute sexiest thing about a moustache is that you can make it your own!

When this guy saw how a simple moustache paired with a goatee took him from good-looking guy to Casanova, he audibly gasped!

This man is so overcome by the potential of his sexiness that it scares him a little.

Don't worry, there's nothing to fear. Just think of a moustache as a pair of pants for your nose.

See... sexiness achieved!

No matter what style you choose to rock this Movember, only three things are certain...

1) You will start the month clean-shaven, 2) You will rock your sexy Mo for 30 days, and 3) No matter what, it will be awesome!

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