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12 Annoying Things You Do That Your Significant Other Just Can’t Stand

Would it kill you to put down the toilet seat?! Get it together with the help of Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive 2-in-1 Shave Gel Plus Skin Care and stop worrying about rust rings left on your sink by Rusty Bottoms on your shave can.

1. Getting a little too comfortable in bed.

2. Responding to texts with "K."

3. Leaving the kitchen a complete mess.

4. When your personal hygiene habits are less "habitual" and much more "once in a blue moon."

5. Leaving the toilet seat up.

6. Falling asleep during a movie.

7. Being super indecisive about EVERYTHING!

8. Or worse, just opting out of the decision as a whole.

9. Using your fingers instead of utensils.

10. When they're freaking out about something, and you tell them to "calm down."

11. When you play music after bedtime.

12. And when your bathroom is a complete and utterly horrendous mess.

Avoid rusty bottoms and other traumatic bathroom experiences with Gillette Fusion ProGlide Sensitive 2-in-1 Shave Gel Plus Skin Care.

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