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Pedobear Necklace

Many times I've thought "I want the ladies to run away screaming, but in a classy way." - My prayers have been answered. (via SleekandDestroy)

gianteye 12 years ago

Courage Wolf Cufflinks

What's fierce, awesome, and made with LASERS? Courage Wolf Cufflinks. These absurdly kickass cufflinks are about one inch square and are fashioned out of handsome black acrylic with silver plated cufflink backs. They're available on Sleek and Destroy.

gianteye 13 years ago

T-Rex Skull Cufflinks

Remember when that thousand tonne slab of roving space debris plowed into the earth, ending the reign of the terrible lizards like the period on the end of a sentence? You can commemorate those heady days with these black and white laser cut acrylic cufflinks.

gianteye 13 years ago