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14 Things That Happen On Every Family Road Trip

"Don't make me turn this car around!" So many miles! So many memories! And for another long road ahead, let Genworth help with your family's long term care planning.

1. You plan out the most insane, elaborate route ever.

2. And everyone starts out enjoying it more than anything ever.

3. There are some ~delightful~ sing-a-longs.

4. You go out of your way to see something that's "mandatory"...

5. ...but have more fun when you stumble upon something completely random.

6. You become very familiar with everyone's bladder strength.

7. Some lunches become just "a very large snack."

8. "Are we there yet?" gets asked a few hundred times.

9. You pass towns with unfortunate names.

10. You realize that the best navigator in your family isn't so great.

11. Everyone stops talking and starts napping...

12. ...until you stumble upon some other random sight.

13. There's some backseat fighting until Dad yells "Don't make me turn this car around!"

14. You sleep at some interesting motels.

15. Someone else wants to join in on your awesome road trip! (JK, Dad doesn't see the speed limit and grumbles about it for a long time.)

16. But it's all worth it once you finally get to your destination.

Help your family with the miles ahead with Genworth's long term care planning.