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The 7 Most Important Talking Machines In History

Turns out humans aren't the only ones with something interesting to say. These 'bots may not be ready to philosophize with you yet, but from fiction to nonfiction, they've done any number of impressive things for humanity. And with GE's Industrial Internet, it's not gonna stop here.

1. SmarterChild

2. "Robot B9"

3. Marvin (the Paranoid Android)

4. The Macintosh

5. The Maschinenmensch

6. Chatbots

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The chat these two hold is a bit unsettling, but the fact that it's two machines just hangin' out and chattin' on their own is awesome. And it's only gonna get more impressive from here.

7. HRP-4C

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These machines are just the beginning. GE is using the #IndustrialInternet to build intelligent jet engines, locomotives, turbines and more. For decades, technology has connected people and businesses globally. Now, the Industrial Internet will provide an open, global network that connects machines, people, and data. Check out a few more of our favorite robots on their way to get a first-look at the next generation of brilliant machines.