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13 Slightly More Accurate Names For World Landmarks

It's time to make these landmark names great. And what's great even without change? GEICO customer service! But everybody already knows that.

1. Instead of the Eiffel Tower...

2. Instead of the Chrysler Building...

3. Instead of Stonehenge...

4. Instead of Niagara Falls...

5. Instead of the Grand Canyon...

6. Instead of the Washington Monument...

7. Instead of the Statue of Liberty...

8. Instead of the Leaning Tower of Pisa...

9. Instead of Mount Rushmore...

10. Instead of the Golden Gate Bridge...

11. Instead of the Gateway Arch...

12. Instead of the Space Needle...

13. Instead of the Sphynx...

And instead of the Great Wall of China...

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It should be "The Really Really Really Really Long Wall of China."