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15 Jokes You'll Only Understand If You're Obsessed With Music

You're going to laugh a bunch, especially if music is your forte. GEICO customer service never misses a beat.

1. Why is Skrillex so bad at fishing?

2. What's Beethoven's favorite fruit?

3. Why don't people like it when I blast classical music out of my car?

4. Why did the baroque composer win a gold medal in gymnastics?

5. Who is the best all-around pop star?

6. Which singer never spills food on his clothes?

7. What's Jay Z's favorite vacation spot?

8. I didn't get the job because I couldn't stop quoting Linkin Park lyrics...

9. What do you call it when Robert Plant sings you to sleep?

10. Why did the baker get rejected on his first date?

11. Why does 'N Sync love April 30?

12. What is Huck Finn's favorite Ozzy Osbourne song?

13. What's a music theory professor's favorite party song?

14. What went wrong during the hide-and-seek game at Def Jam?

15. How easy was it to make all of these music jokes?

Why does playing cards with Kenny Rogers get old pretty fast?

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