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13 Excellent New Year's Resolutions For Babies

You really only have to be alive for one year before you can start resolving to make the next one great. GEICO has some delightful ideas for the modern baby looking to turn over their first newborn leaf.

1. "I'm going to climb up the stairs AT LEAST once a week instead of napping for 18 hours like I usually do."

2. "It's time to get back into shape. Maybe I'll even teach a yoga class."

3. "I'm going to remember to show my love, not just say it. No one ever understands when I say it, anyway."

4. "I will remember to look around and appreciate what I can only assume are naturally occurring phenomena a little more often."

5. "I promise to be honest about how I am feeling with my loved ones."

6. "I'm going to try new types of food this year. No more eating the same old boring inanimate objects. They will at least look like they COULD be food."

7. "I'm going to spend more quality time with my roommate, rocking out..."

8. " up our place..."

9. "...and rediscovering our shared interests."

10. "My weekends will be filled with me having a ball!"

11. "I'm going to do less just sleeping and eating, and I'm certainly not going to try to do them at the same time."

12. "I'm finally going to follow through on my interest in playing some recreational sports."

13. "And of COURSE I'm going to dance like I've never danced before. Because I literally haven't, tbh."

"I'm also going to make sure my friends know how cute they are on social media."

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