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11 Everyday Phrases If They Were Taken Literally

You're literally going to see some phrases in action. Luckily GEICO's favorite expression is simply "delight".

1. The one where you tell someone you like them a lot...

2. The one about something being incredibly easy...

3. The one where you ask someone what is on their mind...

4. The one where you are not feeling so hot...

5. The one where you let a secret be revealed...

6. The one where you are focusing on the wrong thing...

7. The one where you get told about something but it’s kind of from a traceable source, sort of...

8. The one where someone is telling you not to get mad about stuff...

9. The one where an image is more useful than reading...

10. The one about just following what everyone else is doing without really thinking about it...

11. The one about how we’re all in this together...

All illustrated GIFs by Cyndi Norrie for BuzzFeed.

So remember, be careful what you wish for!

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