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11 Dogs Who Are So Totally Beach Ready

It's summertime, and these dogs are finally ready to show off their beautiful canine physiques! GEICO hopes you're ready for a delightful summer as well.

1. First we caught Bone Wilson:

2. Then we found Brad Pittbull out for a stroll:

3. Bradley Coopug has never looked better!

4. Here's Clive Owoof, up close and personal:

5. And Katy Furry could not be more perfect:

6. Meryl Sheepdog has aged so gracefully!

7. And check out Olivia Rottweiler *swoon*

8. Shia LeBark spends his beach time exercising:

9. Sofia Vergaruff spends her time lounging:

10. Terrier Hatcher never wastes an opportunity to wear the latest fashions:

11. And neither does Beyorké:

These dogs are probably also ready for summer boating!

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