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12 Ways Science Can Make You Feel Better

It's easy to be delighted when you've got science on your side. GEICO customer service leaves you feeling delighted, and that's how you should feel all the time. No matter what's happening, science has an answer!

1. Feel like real life is boring?

2. Feeling insignificant?

3. Feeling a little too grown-up?

4. Feeling slow?

5. Feeling short?

6. Feeling like the world is out to get each other?

7. Feeling useless?

8. Feeling bummed out about the rain?

9. Feel like you slept a little too late today?

10. Feeling like the weather is a little too erratic for you?

11. Feeling like everything ultimately succumbs to its own mortality?

12. And finally, do you wish you were at least part robot?

Will you only feel better when pigs fly? GOOD NEWS!

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