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10 Delightful Places To Visit During The Holidays

Find some holiday cheer by visiting the world's best and brightest celebrations. GEICO wishes for your holiday to be filled with only the most delightful festivities.

1. The Tivoli Gardens Market In Copenhagen, Denmark, home to the oldest amusement park in the world.

2. Marienplatz, Munich, home to a 100-foot tree. Seriously.

3. Rockefeller Center, New York City, where you can ice skate below the world's most famous tree.

4. Harvard University in Boston, home of the beloved Christmas Revels.

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The snow-covered cobblestones in Boston set a very Christmas-y stage, but the real magic is at Harvard's Sanders Theater. The University hosts a yearly performance called The Christmas Revels, a concert with a different world-focus every year.

5. Old Town Square in Prague, where you can get a real 'Trdelník' (traditional hot sugar-coated pastry).

6. Edinburgh's Christmas, a festival of lights in a giant castle town.

7. The Winter Wonderland in London, a holiday party you can also observe from 196 feet above.

8. The official Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska, where you can even meet the reindeer.

9. New Orleans, where City Park's famous oaks are draped with hundreds of thousands of lights.

10. Ottawa, home of the world's largest skating rink.

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