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12 Things Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

Stop all of that. At least with Garnier, you'll have #OneLessGirlProblem.

1. "Why is a girl like you still single?"

2. “Smile! You look prettier when you smile!”

3. "Is it that time of the month?"

4. “Really? You’re going to eat another piece of cake?”

5. "Do you have any hot friends for me?"

6. “You’re cute when you’re angry.”

7. "Real women have curves."

8. *Whistles and catcalls*

9. "Don’t be so uptight! Loosen up!"

10. "Sure you can handle that by yourself?"

11. "I'm not trying to sound sexist, but..."

12. "Sweetie" / "Honey" / "Cutie" / "Princess"

"What happened to your hair?"

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Humidity happened — that’s what, but Garnier is there to help solve life's Frizzasters, so that’s #OneLessGirlProblem.

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