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15 Signs Your Hair Might Be Plotting To Destroy You

At least with Garnier, you'll have #OneLessGirlProblem.

1. Your hair and humidity have been conspiring against you since you were little.

2. Pretty much every day you have a halo of frizz.

3. Summer comes around, and you're all like... "beach hair, here I come!"

4. But rather than sexy beach-ness, you get something else entirely.

5. You can't even get in the pool because you know your perfectly colored locks will turn green.

6. And you'd think it would get better in fall. But no. Now your hair is just a magnet for leaves.

7. Sometimes it tries to electrocute you with its static electricity.

8. You want straight hair today? Good. You get curly.

9. Oh, you want it to be curly? Nope. Today you get straight.

10. It's like the more time you put into a hairstyle, the worse it becomes.

11. The tiniest gust of wind, and you're done for.

12. You can't even go near a fire without having to deal with some kind of "situation."

13. You tried to get bangs, but you ended up losing your vision.

14. And when you want a neat top knot, there's always one bit at your nape that refuses to stick.

15. Things just never work out the way you want them to.

Having hair is JUST. SO. HARD.

Some hair problems are unavoidable, but for life’s little Frizzasters there’s Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine. At least that’s #OneLessGirlProblem.

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