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11 Ways The Holidays Are The Best Way To Relive Your Childhood

"Where can I submit my list?!" When it's time to do your holiday shopping, head to Gap. Remember, you don't have to get them, to give them Gap.

1. Every year when you decorate the tree, you get to open a time capsule of ornaments that flood you with memories...

2. ...and whip up those homemade treats, just like your Nana used to make.

3. You rewatch all your favorite holiday movies from when you were a kid over and over, and no one bats an eye.

4. You pack your favorite PJs and spend a few nights at your parents' house...

5. ...and get a rush when you wake up on Christmas morning in your childhood, twin-size bed.

6. If you have a niece or nephew, you can spoil them with the toys you always wanted.

7. You get to be crafty...

Except you've graduated beyond hand turkeys.

8. ...and play dress-up.

9. You'll still make a countdown calendar because vacation can't come soon enough.

10. Even though you're 30, there’s a good chance you have to sit at the "kids'" table...

11. ...and still have a blast playing games with your family once dinner is over.

You see everyone you haven’t seen since the last big get-together.

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Enjoy this holiday season, only with Gap.