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10 Rewarding Moments Only Moms Understand

It's all about the little things. But with the taste of a sparkling fruitwater®, steal back those stolen moments and reward yourself with a refreshing one, anytime.

1. Your kid finally takes his nap, and you have a solid 20 minutes to catch up on your favorite show.

2. Those minutes you get alone in your car to rock out to whatever YOU want while heading to pick the kids up from school.

3. When your kid cleans up after him/herself without you even having to ask.

4. Or when they start to love something you love, without you pushing it on them.

5. When your child falls asleep on a road trip, and you can really take it ~all~ in.

6. When your kid is old enough to go to summer camp, and you get to go to a “summer camp” of your own.

7. The moment your child goes to bed after taking a bath, and you finally get to take your own bath.

8. Making sweets for your kid’s classmates and getting to sample your excellent work yourself.

9. Waking up a little bit early so you can have some time for yourself and have a leisurely breakfast.

10. And, most rewarding of all, taking the time to laugh.

Only have a few minutes of me-time?

View this video on YouTube

Steal a moment with a delicious fruitwater® and enjoy Seriously Distracted, a new web series starring Amy Sedaris. (And it's only six minutes long, so you can always fit it into your busy schedule.)