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11 Ways To Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

Summer is naturally refreshing, but your pup may need some help staying cool through the hot months. Here are some tips on keeping your pooch super cool, and don't forget to check out Frosty Paws Frozen Treats for Dogs for the ultimate summer doggy snack!

1. Wherever you are, make sure there is some shade.

2. Bring them to the groomer for a nice bath and a fancy summer haircut.

3. Get him a sweet new igloo that keeps the hot air out.

4. Keep them hydrated.

5. Get them some super hip sunglasses.

6. Invest in a good hat to keep away the sun.

7. Bring them to the lake!

8. Or the pool.

9. Enjoy a little time in the air conditioning.

10. Fun fact: ice cubes are both fun AND refreshing.

11. And most importantly, give your pup lots of yummy frozen treats!