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11 Times You Wished Your Dad Wasn’t Your Coach

"Two-a-days?" More like "all-a-days." Having your dad as a coach isn't always what it's cracked up to be. For an inside look at what it really means to play pee wee football, make sure to check out Friday Night Tykes, premiering Jan. 14 at 9|8c on Esquire Network.

1. Any time he played favorites and put you with the more talented players.

2. When he called you out for throwing like your grandma.

3. That time you were at practice, and he asked if your homework was done.

4. All the early-morning training sessions.

5. When he tried to make you flirt with the cheerleaders.

6. Whenever you tried inviting teammates over to your house.

7. Every time your mom stopped by to give him a smooch.

8. How every doctor appointment turned into a football physical.

9. That time you were a baby, and he was all "I'm going to coach you into a star athlete," and you were like "Dad, I'm two weeks old," and he was all "Shhhhhh."

10. When your antics at home gave him doubts about your throwing accuracy.

11. Every dinner after a tough loss.

Despite all the hard times, he always wanted what was best for you. Having Dad as a coach ultimately brought you closer together, and there's nothing more meaningful than that.

12. Tune in to Friday Night Tykes to see real dad coaches in action.

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