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15 Horrifying Things That Happen When You Get A Retainer

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1. So you got a retainer, mouth guard, invisible braces, or whatever. This has got to be pretty easy, right?

2. WRONG. Every time you put it in, you instantly feel awkward.

3. It's OK to go a few days without wearing it, right?

4. NOPE. All you know now is pain.

5. Instead, you've got to get used to drooling.

6. Not to mention your new lisp.

7. You're ashamed of saying goodnight to your romantic partner.

8. And the smell. Oh boy, the smell.

9. AND THE TASTE. Why does it taste like this?!

10. Dentist appointments have become the ultimate test of willpower.

11. No one told you how fragile these things actually are.

12. Losing them at restaurants is disturbingly common.

13. Or did you take it out in the middle of the night and lose it in your bed?

14. Either way, nothing tops the horror of taking it out and realizing it's covered in a crusty film.

15. But oh well. At least you know your smile is PERFECT.

It's all worth it in the end.

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