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Little Things Blokes Shouldn't Complain About

Sometimes it feels like the world is out to get you. But there's no use moping: you have to laugh at life's little inconveniences. When others lose their cool Foster's drinkers can see the funnier side of the rubbish things in life.

1. You've put on weight

2. You've made a balls-up at work

3. You've missed your bus

4. All your mates have pulled but you're flying solo

5. The waiter got your order wrong

6. You have to go to your girlfriend’s parents house for dinner

7. You’re hungry but there’s nothing good to eat in the fridge

8. Your co-worker misses you out of a tea round

9. Your burger is too big and juicy, so falls out of the bun

10. You've poured your cereal - then realised that you've run out of milk

Your ancestors didn't claw their way to the top of the food chain for this to be the top of your worries.

11. You find your first grey hair

Your transformation to a silver fox is just starting.

12. You don't have anything to wear

Just put on the three closest items, and get out of the house:

13. When your balls stick to your inside leg.

Need some more no nonsense Aussie advice? Look no further than Foster's.

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