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12 GIFs That Explain Gospel Music Flawlessly

#PRAISE. Let the Holy Spirit lift you up while celebrating Black Music Month this June!

1. When the soloist steps on stage, and you already know they've got a story to tell.

2. The first note is uttered and all you can think is:

3. You're a little taken aback because you didn't expect to relate so strongly.

4. The music takes over your entire body.

5. And sometimes the beat is funkier than you imagined.

6. Suddenly everything starts to make a whole lotta sense.

7. You give the singer the praise they deserve.

8. The truth may even bring you to your feet.

9. The music comes to an ultimate crescendo of melody and emotion.

10. And the Holy Spirit leaves you dead...

11. ...and lost in the feels.


Let the Holy Spirit lift you up while celebrating Black Music Month this June!