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18 Fluffy Dogs You'll Want To Roll Around In

Fuzz alert. These pups were born to be hugged. The all-new FLONASE® Allergy Relief takes care of your allergy symptoms, so you can snuggle your pet.

1. Let's start off strong... This chow chow:

2. This guy, who's slightly NSFW, but totally safe for cuddling:

3. This dog, who is basically a plush pillow with a face:

4. This one, who is (unfortunately) currently occupied:

5. These puppies!!!

6. This dude, who is on his way to make your day:

7. This big girl, who both needs and deserves your hugs:

8. This guy, who is basically asking for it:

9. This fuzzball:

10. This shaggy little pooch:

11. This Pomeranian, who has a great hair day every single day:


13. This dog, whose fluffiness shocks and amazes even the most experienced of cuddlers:

14. This guy, who is probably just as warm as your favorite childhood blanky:

15. This one, whose fresh perm looks mighty inviting:

16. This regal, silky creature:

17. This pup, who moonlights as a cotton ball:

18. And this dog, who looks pretty content just rolling around in itself:

Fluff this good cannot go unappreciated. Now you can give your pet all the love she deserves, thanks to FLONASE® Allergy Relief – now available over the counter.